Monday, October 11, 2010

A Day in the Life...

We start out the day looking out the window...
(notice no pants- he has learned to take them off)
It makes me happy to see him so happy :)
Hair is all over the place!Take the time to politely pose for a picture...
Taking his new ride for a spin!
We circled our driveway about 50 times
He always has to prop his foot up
I say: "No No Hudson, don't mess with the scrapbooks!"
He hears: "Go ahead and pull those scrapbooks down & feel free to try to tear out the pages while you're at it"
He can "High Five" with Daddy now!
Sitting in his big boy chair!
Now it's time to snuggle with Daddy!

I love spending the day with my little man!! He is such a JOY!

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