Friday, October 8, 2010

9 Months

Our little Hud-bud turned 9 months old this week. HARD to believe. I remember getting a few outfits at my baby shower that were size 9 months & thinking that it would be forever before he could wear them. Boy was I wrong! Of course, we had to take our monthly elephant picture. These just get harder & harder to take. Last month he wanted to eat the elephant & this month he kept trying to stand up in the chair. Who knows what he will be doing in November.

Dear Hudson Tom,

Here are your 9 month stats:
  • You weigh 22 lbs!
  • You are 29 inches long!
  • After looking at several websites, it appears that you are somewhere around the 70th percentile for both weight & height. Good growing boy!!
  • You wear 6/9 month & 9 month clothes. We are having trouble finding you pants these days because the 9 month are too short & the 12 month are too big
  • You wear size 3 diapers
  • You are still enjoying Yellowjacket football games. You watch the game ever so closely!
  • You attended your first (of many) Yellowjacket Homecomings. Your mommy was certainly proud to be your date :)
  • You are a climber. We catch you climbing on just about anything you can, like: the pack n play, chairs, tables & the couch. You are like a little monkey.
  • Changing your diaper has become a challenge. I feel like I've been wrestling cattle by the time I get you changed!
  • You LOVE music. Anytime you hear music you just dance & dance. It is the cutest thing!
  • You are such a ham. Whenever you see someone with a camera you just light up & grin ear to ear. It's probably because you've spent half your life in front of my camera.
  • You think you are such a big boy & get very frustrated when you can't do "big boy" things
  • You don't like to hear "No", most of the time you just pretend you don't even hear us saying anything to you!
  • On September 14th you made me SO proud & said "Mama". I was so excited to hear you say it. Now you say "Mama" "Bye Bye" & sometimes "Dada". We all love to hear your precious little voice.
  • On September 18th you started standing up all by yourself.
  • You like to cruise all around the room holding on to furniture. You are trying so hard to walk!
  • You are developing quite the attitude. As long as things are going your way, we are good to go. We think you are going to be very vocal when it comes to your opinions!
  • You are teething again. Not fun! You have 1 tooth on top coming in & several more that will be coming in soon.
  • Daddy & I love you more & more each day. You are such a blessing to us both!

LOVE you to pieces,


Our little Razorback

Happy Fall Y'all

Bed Head

The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him
Exodus 15:2

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