Monday, April 5, 2010

Three Months Old

It's hard to believe that Hudson Tom is 3 months old today!
We took our traditional monthly picture with his elephant. It is so
fun to see how much he has grown. He is growing so fast!
Here is a little comparison between each month:

Dear Hudson,
Here are your 3 month stats...
  • You weigh around 12 lbs & are 23 inches long!
  • As far as your wear some size newborn clothes, mostly size 0-3 months & even a few size 3 months (even though a lot of them are still too big, but at the rate you are growing they will be fitting you really soon!)
  • Still in Size 1 diapers
  • You have developed your own little personality. You are a very friendly boy!
  • You love to smile & laugh.
  • You have recently discovered Zsa Zsa's hair & have to check it out every time you see her (just to make sure it really is her)
  • You enjoy staying with Sissy while Mommy & Daddy are at work. From what I hear, you are a really good boy.
  • You are still a wonderful sleeper at night!
  • You love to eat & even will throw a little fit if we take the bottle from you before you are finished. That is really the only time we ever hear you cry.
  • You get tickled every time we change your diaper.
  • You love to be held...which is good because your Mommy LOVES to hold you too!
  • You still look like your Daddy (so handsome)
  • We love you Huddy & are so lucky to be your parents!!

For you formed by inward parts;

you knitted me together in my mothers womb.

I praise you, for I am fearfully & wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works;

my soul knows it very well

Psalm 139:13-14

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