Monday, April 5, 2010

Hudson's First Easter

Hudson's First Easter
We had so much fun celebrating Hudson's first Easter yesterday. Of course, I took lots of pictures all day long. We were busy all day & Hudson was so good. We started off the day by letting Hudson see what the Easter bunny had brought him. He's probably thinking that his Easter basket at home is pretty small compared to the one from Zsa Zsa (but that's understandable if you know his Zsa Zsa!!). We got him all dressed up in his Easter finest & went to church. It was fun taking him to church on his first Easter & seeing all of the precious babies in his Sunday School class. I know I say this a lot but we are SO blessed to be a part of Wynne Baptist. Now as a parent, I'm even more thankful of WBC. After church we went to GG's house for lunch. Then we went over to Mamaw & Papaw's house to visit. Then, we went over to Hudson's Pepaw & Nonna's house. The weather was wonderful, I can't remember an Easter so beautiful. With Hudson here, this has probably been the best Easter ever!

With his Easter basket!
Now with Zsa Zsa's Easter basket!

Our little Bunny!

We love this little boy SO much

Daddy's Boy

Hudson with Aunt Claire, Mommy & Aunt Kady

Such a little gentleman, kissing Ko Ko's hand!

Family Picture

Swinging with Grandaddy

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...
1 Peter 1:3

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