Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Catch Up….

Obviously it’s been a WHILE since my last post. Not really sure why it’s taken me so long to get back on here. I will try to do better since this is supposed to be a scrapbook of Hudson’s life.  It is amazing to look at that last post and see how much my sweet baby boy has grown.  Since then, Hudson has had 2 MAJOR firsts: his First Christmas and then his First Birthday- I think those two deserve their own post (even if they are about 8 months late)Anyway, here are a few pictures since our last post:


68754_604737449844_70300344_33872424_1183340_n  68717_604739291154_70300344_33872528_2307917_n75677_604739889954_70300344_33872556_5399161_n


Daddy’s 30th Birthday:

149465_604738981774_70300344_33872509_1444860_n 75852_604738817104_70300344_33872501_3578205_n74504_604738018704_70300344_33872461_5182730_n

10 months old:

40131_605937265404_70300344_33894908_3327925_n 149722_605937165604_70300344_33894901_556783_n 148333_605937504924_70300344_33894923_568293_n155213_610264633324_70300344_33963637_7015949_n 75125_607423287404_70300344_33916671_7041024_n

First Thanksgiving:

  76170_609307172084_70300344_33943318_5577161_n 76926_609307102224_70300344_33943317_1507392_n 156599_609306673084_70300344_33943300_3990737_n

11 months old:

65478_610673638674_70300344_33971411_7773760_n 163783_612751469684_70300344_34007442_7134574_n

First shiner:164408_612527513494_70300344_34003752_5550942_n

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