Monday, August 8, 2011

19 months old!

19 months

Hudson turned 19 months old on Friday. It doesn’t seem real to me that he is closer to two years old than he is one.


Dear Hudson,

Here are your 19 month stats:

  • At the doctors office earlier in the week you weighed 27 lbs!
  • You wear a size 7 shoe
  • In clothes you wear anything from 12 months to a 2T! You are still even wearing all of your shorts from last year which are 6-9 months!
  • We have noticed in the last 2 weeks how much taller you are. Your legs are finally catching up to your upper body.
  • You talk all the time but will rarely repeat anything when we try to get you to talk in front of other people.
  • Some of your favorite things to say are “Momma” “Daddy” (which sounds a lot like dayyyyy), “Annie” , “What you doin?”, “Hey”…
  • You have recently started calling yourself “Huds”
  • You love dogs. You can’t give enough love to Ace, Annie & Virgil.
  • We think you might be obsessed with the iPad! You love watching your videos and games. You also love the Veggie Tales app on the iPhone
  • Your favorite 2 shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Yo Gabba Gabba
  • You are SO much fun and have the best little personality.
  • You are like a little monkey, always climbing
  • You can say your ABCs up until about “K”. Your favorite part is saying “HIJK” really fast.
  • You are a good eater! You still cannot have any milk products so finding foods for you to eat can be a bit of a challenge. Your favorite foods are: chicken nuggets, bananas, grapes, and veggie chips. You have started liking sandwiches too!


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We LOVE you so much Hudson Tom! We are so lucky to be your parents!


Mommy & Daddy



Beach Trip!

Back in March we met up with Claire & Brody in Destin for a little family vacation! Hudson had a blast at the beach- we cannot wait to go back!

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