Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Two Months!

Hudson is 2 Months Old!

A little comparison between 1 month old & 2 months old!

Dear Hudson,
Here are your 2 month stats...
  • At your check up you weighed 11 lbs & were 22 inches long
  • You are wearing 0-3 month size clothes along with about half of your Newborn clothes
  • You are up to a size 1 diaper!
  • You love to smile at us when we talk to you!
  • I think you are going to be a vocal little man....you love to coo & talk all the time.
  • You are a great sleeper! If you get up during the night it is just once to eat & then you are back to sleep! You are still sleeping in your swing right beside mommy (which is right where mommy wants you....close!)
  • You are also a great eater! You love to both breastfeed & take a bottle.
  • You are still an angel in the carseat.
  • We never have a problem taking you anywhere. You already know how to behave like a little gentleman!
  • You are the sweetest baby in the whole world. Your Mommy & Daddy love you more & more each & every day. We are SO thankful that God chose US to be your parents.

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