Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Boy!!

Hudson has been SO happy lately. We are enjoying getting to see him smile & laugh. His favorite thing to do in the mornings is to lay in his floor gym & look at himself in the mirror. He smiles so big when he sees himself. He must think that kid in the mirror is as cute as we think he his!! He is at a fun age right now, we love how he is starting to interact with us now.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easter Bunny

We took Hudson to the mall in Jonesboro last weekend to meet the Easter bunny. He seemed to like him ok! We are really excited about Hudson's first Easter!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Isn't that the cutest smile?

I saw this one Sunday morning....

Poor baby..... after his shots!

Handsome little man!

Two Months!

Hudson is 2 Months Old!

A little comparison between 1 month old & 2 months old!

Dear Hudson,
Here are your 2 month stats...
  • At your check up you weighed 11 lbs & were 22 inches long
  • You are wearing 0-3 month size clothes along with about half of your Newborn clothes
  • You are up to a size 1 diaper!
  • You love to smile at us when we talk to you!
  • I think you are going to be a vocal little love to coo & talk all the time.
  • You are a great sleeper! If you get up during the night it is just once to eat & then you are back to sleep! You are still sleeping in your swing right beside mommy (which is right where mommy wants you....close!)
  • You are also a great eater! You love to both breastfeed & take a bottle.
  • You are still an angel in the carseat.
  • We never have a problem taking you anywhere. You already know how to behave like a little gentleman!
  • You are the sweetest baby in the whole world. Your Mommy & Daddy love you more & more each & every day. We are SO thankful that God chose US to be your parents.