Monday, September 20, 2010

Month in Review (pictures)

These are just a few of the pics taken this last month. They aren't in any particular order!!

8 Months Old

This is really late, but on September 5th Hudson turned 8 months old. I say this every single month but time flies!!! It is SO neat to see how much he has grown in the last 8 months. It just gets harder & harder to take pictures with the elephant. Hudson would much rather try to eat it's nose than to sit still & pose with it!!

On his 8 month birthday, Hudson got to wear his Arkansas Razorbacks jersey. He enjoyed the day at church & GG's with everyone ooooing & ahhhing over him (just like every other Sunday!)

Dear Hudson Tom,
Here are your 8 months stats:

  • You won't sit still long enough for me to either weigh you or measure how long you are... All I know is that you have grown up so much it seems this last month!
  • You wear size 3 diapers.
  • You wear size 6-9 month clothes. We did have to get you size 12m Polo Jeans because all of your other jeans are too short!!
  • Your feet are still growing like crazy!! You may pass Daddy's size 13's!!!
  • It is fun seeing you change from a baby to a little boy.
  • You are Mr. Independent. You try to do everything by yourself!
  • I love seeing your personality develop! We never have a dull moment with you around!
  • This month, you got to go to Hattiesburg, MS for the first time to see Aunt Claire & Uncle Brody. As always, you love seeing them.
  • One night we went in to check on you & found you standing up in your bed. Since then your bed has been lowered again. The front bumper has been removed- you like to pretend it's a trampoline & jump like crazy!
  • You are pulling up on things ALL the time.
  • You attended your first Yellowjacket football game. You had a ball. We were so proud of how well behaved you were. In 16 years, you will be out there on that field!!
  • You can crawl everywhere & get into just about everything!! We can't take our eyes off of you!
  • We love you SO much & are SO proud to be your Mommy & Daddy!!!



Our little Razorback passed out!!