Thursday, August 19, 2010

Family Pictures

Recently, we had family pictures made. We couldn't be more pleased with them. I know we will always treasure them! Elizabeth Wiggs did an amazing job!!

7 Months

This is a little late...but Hudson turned 7 Months old on August 5th. He is such a doll and is growing up way too fast. A lot went on during the last month!!

Dear Hudson,

Here are your 7 Month Stats:

  • You weigh around 20 lbs!!!
  • You are 27.5 inches long. You went from being a shorty to being pretty tall! You are as tall as the older kids in the nursery at church!
  • Your feet are growing so fast that we have taken the same pair of shoes back to Dillards twice because you outgrow them so fast. You now wear a size 4 shoe!
  • You are wearing a lot of size 6 month, 6/9 month or 6-12 month clothes
  • You got to take your first beach trip in July. Daddy had to work & couldnt come. We missed him like crazy. You weren't super impressed with the sand & ocean. You LOVED the pool though! You got lots of attention that week.
  • You finally got 2 teeth. You smiled really big at me on the Sunday of our family reunion & there they were just shining!
  • You can crawl anywhere you want to go and sit up like a big boy! You first crawled to mommy on July 2oth!
  • You are our little swimmer. Everytime we put you in the water you just kick your legs & paddle your arms. It's precious!
  • You sleep in your own bed in your own room now. The night you turned 7 months old was your first night. I don't know what I was so worried about, you are still a wonderful sleeper. Until this month, you have been sleeping in our room in your pack n play.
  • You love cell phones & remotes. We try to trick you by giving you toy phones...but you can quickly sniff out a fake!
  • You are all about some baby food. Your favorites are sweet potatoes, squash & bananas.
  • You like fruit. We have given you honeydew & grapes in your mesh feeder & love them.
  • We had some family pictures taken...did absolutely wonderful & you are such a ham!!
  • We got a new puppy this month, Annie. You love to chase her & get your hands on her. You still love Ace.
  • We love you little man!

Love you,
