Friday, July 23, 2010

Claire & Brody

Claire & Brody got married on June 26th. It was a perfect day. Hudson was the honorary ring bearer. Nick held him throughout the ceremony. He did SO good. We are so excited for Claire & Brody!! We will miss them TONS when the move to Hattiesburg.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

6 Months Old!

Our little man turned 6 months old a few days ago. I can't believe it has already been half a year since he was born. Time Flies. He is SO much fun!!

Dear Hudson,
Here are your 6 month stats:
  • You weigh about 19 lbs (not sure exactly, you haven't been to your check up yet!)
  • You are between 26-27 inches didn't cooperate very well when I tried to measure you!
  • Wearing size 2 or 3 diapers! Wearing 6 months or 6-9 month clothes.
  • At the rate you are growing are going to be a big boy! (But, your last name is Hirons after all)
  • Seriously, you are THE HAPPIEST baby I have ever been around.
  • You have discovered your feet. It is so funny to look over & see you with your toes in your mouth.
  • You are getting lots of hair, finally!
  • You are a wonderful sleeper. You prefer to be asleep by 8 pm & sleep all night most nights.
  • You think your Aunt Claire is the funniest person you've ever seen! You laugh so loud whenever she makes funny faces/sounds at you.
  • You like to grab for people's coke cans, water bottles & such. Makes me nervous!
  • You love your Jumparoo! You just jump & laugh all the time.
  • We can already tell that you are going to be a really laid back, fun, happy boy!
  • Every day we spend with you is just the BEST!
  • Each & every one of your grandparents are just crazy about you!
  • You are a very popular member of our BIG happy family.
  • Your Mommy & Daddy love you to pieces.

I Love You Precious Boy,
