Friday, June 11, 2010

Zoo Trip


Baby Dedication

On Sunday May 30th we had Hudson's Baby Dedication at Wynne Baptist. It was such a special day for us & we were SO happy to have our family & friends there. Hudson did SO good. Everytime Bro Matt said his name, Hudson would just stare at him. Hudson is a natural born people watcher so he loved being able to look around & see so many people. It is our desire, as parents, that Hudson be raised to love & obey the Lord every day of his life. We want to be Christian examples for him to follow.

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord
1 Samuel 1:27,28

5 Months Old

Last Saturday, Hudson turned 5 months old! Time flies! We enjoy our little man so much. It is so much fun seeing his own little personality develop. It seems like in the past 3 weeks or so that he has had a growth spurt, it's like he grew up a little over night! He is such a good baby, we are SO lucky!
On the same day that I took this picture, Hudson was mistaken for a girl!?! A lady at the mall stopped to tell me how beautiful my little girl was. I told her that HIS name is Hudson, she replied "Well, She's just a doll"... He even had a blue bib on!
Dear Hudson,
Here are your 5 month stats...
  • You weigh (roughly) 17 lbs. You are a big boy!! (65%)
  • You are 26 inches long (also 65%)
  • You are wearing Size 2 diapers.
  • Your clothes are mostly 3-6 months or 6 months.
  • You love to roll around on the floor
  • You have sandy blonde hair. It is really starting to grow, especially on top!!
  • You still love staying with Sissy while Mommy & Daddy work
  • You love the TV, especially if music is playing
  • You love to pull my hair!
  • You love going to church every Sunday. We never have problems with you in the nursery. Of course I think you are the best baby ever.
  • You learn something new every day. Lately you have learned new sounds, that make us laugh so much when we hear them.
  • Last weekend you got a walker. So far you can only go backwards!
  • You have started noticing & reaching for Ace. Ace usually just walks off though.
  • You sleep all night! Mostly on your side.
  • You have 4 things essential for sleeping at night. Sleep is a no go if you don't have your paci, your polka dot/stars blanket, blue lovey & bunny. We have tried to trick you & take one or two of them away but you always notice & want them right there with you.
  • You are a tad bit dramatic sometimes. Daddy says you get that honest!!
  • You still look just like your Daddy (which Mommy thinks is fabulous)
  • You reach for coke cans & water bottles all the time. Sometimes you get some water or (if you are with someone other than Mommy) a drink of coke.
  • You are just a little spoiled & I wouldn't have it any other way!!!

LOVE you sweet boy,
