Sunday, May 23, 2010

Catching up....

4 Months Old

I know that I am a little behind in posting this but on May 5th our Hudson turned 4 months old! People have always said that they grow too fast & that time flies. I never completely understood that until Hudson was born. He is growing everyday & is learning something new everyday. He has blessed our lives far more than we could have every imagined.

Here are your 4 month stats...
  • At your check up you weighed 15 lbs & were 25 inches long. Dr Beth said you were doing just wonderful!
  • You also got shots after your check-up. The nurse was impressed that you acted so well, only screamed for just a second then you were back to sleep.
  • You are totally fascinated with your Daddy. Your face just lights up when he comes around. You even laugh out loud when he tickles you!! I can't blame you for loving him so much because he really is the BEST Daddy in the world & we are both super blessed to have him in our life.
  • You are rolling all over the place these days
  • You outgrew sleeping in your swing & now you sleep in the pack & play. You made the transition just wonderful.
  • You are very attached to your polka dot blanket & blue bunny that ZsaZsa gave you. Now you sleep with them every night.
  • You have started reaching for coke cans & bottles of water....and that makes me nervous!!
  • You have started liking toys now!!
  • You continue to be a good boy for Sissy when Mommy goes to work, I'm fairly certain that you have her wrapped around your little finger!
  • Aunt Claire has also been keeping you, which you love!! You are very fond of her!
  • You are such a good boy at church & love going there...this makes Mommy's heart happy!!
  • You started giving Mommy kisses & laugh when Daddy says something to you about it.
  • You have added a new dimension to my life that I never knew was possible. I can't tell you enough, Huddy, how much I love you & how much of a blessing you are to me!

I love you sweet boy!

Love, Mommy