Thursday, February 25, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hudson is 6 weeks old!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hudson's First Valentines Day

Hudson's First Valentines Day
Aunt Claire got Hudson this outfit that says "Eligible Bachelor"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hudson is a month old & we have already had 3 snows! It seems we get more & more snow each time!

This is the 1st snow when he was 2 days old. The day we came home from the hospital!

This was last weekend when he was almost 4 weeks old

And this was yesterday!!!
He didn't seem too impressed with it all!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

1 month


I cannot believe my baby is one month old. He has grown so much & we have had the best month of our lives.

Here are Hudson's One Month Stats:
  • He weighed 7 lbs 14 oz at his last check up a few days ago... 5th percentile
  • He is 20.5 inches long...5th percentile
  • He wears size Newborn clothes (some are still too big but most of them fit now)
  • He wears Newborn size diapers
  • He is supposed to eat every 2-3 hours, but lately it is way more often than that
  • He loves to look around & coo!
  • He gets up about 1 or 2 times a night...overall a good sleeper!!
  • He loves his carseat. We call it the "instant nap"
  • He is the sunshine in our lives....we love him SO much!!

Photo Shoots...

We have a lot of photo shoots around here! I don't want to forget one thing about him being this little, so I pretty much take pictures everyday!! I know that will probably fade as he gets older, but this is such a sweet time & I want to savor every bit of it!!

A look back at the past month......

Welcome Home Hudson!

Hudson got to come home on January 7th! It was such a happy time. That morning it snowed & there was ice on the roads. It took us a little longer to get home than normal. Hudson had an entourage all the way home from Memphis...Zsa Zsa & Grandaddy followed us the whole way!! It wasn't long before all of the visitors started to arrive to welcome home our precious angel!

That afternoon Hudson got to meet his furry big brother Ace. We weren't sure how Ace would react to having a baby at home. He is so gentle around Hudson, it's sweet! Ace is protective also of Hudson, he keeps his eye on him at all times...especially if someone other than me or Nick is holding him!

Who's Holding Hudson???

Welcome to the world Hudson Tom Hirons!

Our little man arrived on January 5th 2010 at 9:55 am. He is definitely a gift sent straight from God. Hudson is the biggest blessing we have ever received and we praise God everyday for giving us this gift. You hear people say things like "it's love at first sight" and "you will love him SO much", but you just don't understand until your own child arrives. The love we have for him is amazing & unimaginable!!

I know I'm late getting all of this on here but I want to include all of the details of his birthday before I forget. This is REALLY LONG but it is also something I want to remember forever!!

  • We had a scheduled c-section so we knew ahead of time that he would be here the 5th.

  • I worked half a day on the 4th and then came home to "prepare". I don't think I ever remember a time when I was THAT nervous. Nick had to work late so I just sat here by myself (along with the 2 million thoughts that kept running through my head). This is a picture of me that day---my last day being pregnant. Bittersweet, that's for sure!

  • We had to be at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis at 7:30 a.m.-- We were SO anxious so we left at about 5:30. We dropped Ace off at my parents house & we were on our way! It was SO cold that morning, I think it was 15 degrees when we left.

  • Once we got to the hospital, they took me back to a room to get prepared (monitors, IVs, etc). I have never been in the hospital before so all of this was completely new.

  • I am not generally a really calm person, I'm usually kind of ancy & ADD in those type of situations. But we prayed together that morning, I remained calm & focused throughout the whole procedure. Probably the most terrifying time for me was when they took me back for anesthesia & Nick has to wait outside. I felt much better once he got in there.

  • The one thing I kept worrying about was what if I feel something whent they start the surgery? I didn't feel a bit of pain, only pressure. Praise God!

  • Most of the surgery was a blur, however, I remember the exact second Hudson was born so vividly. I specifically remember looking into Nick's eyes when he bent down and told me how beautiful our boy was...I knew right then & there that our lives would never be the same. Hearing him cry for the first time was the most amazing sound!!

  • After everything was complete in the OR they wheeled us down to recovery. This is when I got to hold him for the first time!

  • We had to spend about 2 hours in recovery before our family to see him! There was a waiting room full of people just dying to lay their eyes on Hudson!!! We couldn't wait to show him off either. Nick kept texting out to the waiting room pictures & info!!!

Finally they all got to come in and see him....